
別以為卡洛琳公主會這樣閒到世界末日,好日子總是過得快,我已經沒有逃避的空間了,最近開始忙了,忙工作、忙煩惱學業(僅限煩惱),忙世青的最後準備,要帶的、要採買的東西真是多,而且一切都是錢、錢、錢,這是最討人厭的部分。忙到我也沒有時間看韓劇,終於昨晚把金三順的完結篇看了,金三順內容正好呼應今天的福音。為要去世界青年日的朋友們,這也是個很好的準備。 Coincidently Kim Samsoo reflects part of today’s gospel.  What’s the precious pearl we are looking for?

聖瑪竇福音 13:44-46










牧羊少年奇幻之旅中的「天命」,保羅柯賀的鋪陳似乎把他弄複雜難懂了,回到福音中,就是個簡單的「珍珠寶貝」,在準備世青的同時,就讓我回到心底最誠實的聲音,去發現我想的「珍珠寶貝」是什麼?再來,就是Just do it了!




Gospel Mt 13:44-46

 Jesus said to his disciples: 
 "The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, 
which a person finds and hides again,
and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Again, the Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant 
searching for fine pearls. 
When he finds a pearl of great price, 
he goes and sells all that he has and buys it." 

Today’s gospel suggests us find our precious pearl and give all we have to buy it.  One girl friend told me about another elder girl friend’s life.  This elder girl friend told her that there was nothing could excite her now.  There is no man could make her eager for and make her strive for his love.  When I first heard this, I felt sorry about this situation, although she absolutely feels good, comfortable and confident about it.  I would do feel sad if I find there is neither man nor event could arise my interests.  After reading today’s gospel, I more or less can understand why this elder girl friend feels comfortable with her current life.  She knows well what the precious pearl of her life is.  At least, she knows it’s not any ordinary man or any ordinary event that can bring her happy.  Where is my precious pearl?  Maybe I should figure it out what it is first.




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