聖瑪竇福音 5:38-42
今天福音與讀經真的給了人好大好大的挑戰,我想這條誡命一定嚇跑了許多的信友,今天的教導跟上星期一的真福八端相呼應,身為基督徒所要承受的真的很不同。上星期的感恩祭中利神父特別指出神貧的另一種表現,就是成為反對的記號(a sign of contradictory),在情感上承受孤獨、不被了解、被反對。今天耶穌更要我們打不還手、罵不還手,還要把臉湊過去!聽起來真是太不明智了,費神父在證道時提醒這種精神不是任其為所欲為,反倒是一種接受挑戰的心態,去接受那些自己不愛、不願意的,好讓自己像基督一樣成全。
Reading 1
2 Cor 6:1-10
Brothers and sisters:
As your fellow workers, we appeal to you
not to receive the grace of God in vain.
For he says:
In an acceptable time I heard you,
and on the day of salvation I helped you.
Behold, now is a very acceptable time;
behold, now is the day of salvation.
We cause no one to stumble in anything,
in order that no fault may be found with our ministry;
on the contrary, in everything we commend ourselves
as ministers of God, through much endurance,
in afflictions, hardships, constraints,
beatings, imprisonments, riots,
labors, vigils, fasts;
by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness,
in the Holy Spirit, in unfeigned love, in truthful speech,
in the power of God;
with weapons of righteousness at the right and at the left;
through glory and dishonor, insult and praise.
We are treated as deceivers and yet are truthful;
as unrecognized and yet acknowledged;
as dying and behold we live;
as chastised and yet not put to death;
as sorrowful yet always rejoicing;
as poor yet enriching many;
as having nothing and yet possessing all things.
Mt 5:38-42
Jesus said to his disciples:
"You have heard that it was said,
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil.
When someone strikes you on your right cheek,
turn the other one to him as well.
If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic,
hand him your cloak as well.
Should anyone press you into service for one mile,
go with him for two miles.
Give to the one who asks of you,
and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow."